Monday, 28 July 2014

The Liebster Award

Okay guys so I have been away from here for a stupid amount of time and I am sorry to have caused you the pain of living without me. I kid, I kid! I've had a lot of stuff keeping me occupied over the past while but things are opening up a bit and I feel like I will be able to dedicate more time to my blog again as before. On return to my blog I noticed that a kind lass has nominated me for this Liebster Award. I am not entirely sure what this award is about however from what I can gather it's a great way to connect with other bloggers as well as let you guys know a little bit more about me! So thank you Aoife for nominating me, I really appreciate this opportunity!

The rules to this are as follows - 
1. You must link back to who has nominated you
2. You must answer the 11 questions set to you
3. You then share 11 facts about yourself
4. Then you must go on to nominate a further 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers
5. You cannot nominate who had nominated you
6. Finally notify all those who you have nominated

These are the questions Aoife has set for me!

1.  What inspires you to blog?
For me I was initially inspired by youtubers and big bloggers however now that I have started my blog the thing that really keeps me going are you guys...the people that actually read about what I have to say and take a mutual interest in the things I do talk about. 
2.  What is the meaning behind you blog name?
I named my blog 'My Cup of Style' as a play on the phrase ' my cup of tea'. It's a phrase that my family and I do use and I felt that trying to tie in a bit of comedy to my blog would represent me a bit more. I'm quite typically Scottish in the sense that my sarcasm and sense of humour plays a big part in my life so I couldn't exactly leave that out of my personal blog!
3.  If you had to live with only one beauty/makeup product for the rest of you life what would it be and why?
Concealer. Without a doubt it would be concealer because to be completely honest I feel dirty and minging if my skin looks oily and uneven, silly I know but I instantly feel better when my skin looks perfected.
4.  What country would you like to visit and why?
New Zealand! I want to see the All Blacks play on their home turf and experience the gorgeous scenery.
5.  What Bloggers do you look up to?
I love beautycrush. I have been following her since her first Youtube videos and the way she has made a name for herself motivated me to share my style and opinions.
6.  Describe your sense of style?
Hmmm...that's a difficult one. I would have to day generally my style is very 90's inspired. I don't ever tend to look at 90's clothing for inspiration but somehow my outfits end up looking a bit that way. I'm not to sure about my style per say because I do feel I am yet to properly define it.
7.  What are your favourite clothing shops?
Topshop, Urban Outfitters and of course Missguided.
8.  What is your dream job?
I have absolutely no clue!
9.  What is your favourite book and why?
...ehh...I don't really read...I prefer films :L
10.  If you won €1,ooo what would you spend it on?
*£1,000 haha. If I had that much money, sounds really boring but I would put it in the bank to go towards uni costs. I'm trying to save up as much money as I can right now for Uni so that extra cash would be phenomenal.
11.  Have you ever been to Ireland?
NO!! I have always wanted to go and there's no doubt in my mind that I will soon!
My 11 Random Facts
1. I'm a complete film freak
2. I consume more Doritos and Humous than any human being should, it's a real problem.
3. I am extremely sarcastic. My friends and family tell me that they can never tell whether I am being serious or not when I talk to them.
4. My dad calls me 'his little beer connoisseur'
5. I am attending the Glasgow School of Art as a student this year.
6. I laugh when I watch horror films...
7. My favourite genre of music is Classic Rock
8. ...and my favourite genre of film is Comedy
9. My favourite accents are Scottish and Australian
10. I exhibit my artwork in a Gallery
11. I am 5ft 7'' tall.
SO onto my nominees!
..and for you I have my ten questions;

1. What is or was your favourite subject at school?
2. What inspires your personal style?
3. What would be your perfect meal?
4. What is your favourite tv programme?
5. What beauty product are you lusting after right now?
6. What is your favourite colour to wear?
7. Who is your favourite designer?
8. Have you ever been to Scotland?
9. What was the best holiday you have ever had and why?
10. What keeps you blogging?

Hope you guys enjoy this tag and find lots of new bloggers
Thank you so much to Aoife again!

Catch you all soon,


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